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Member Benefits

The new member benefit is here!  Members now have access to all of the AIM Journals in PDF format from the first issue in 1958 to the most current published issue. An index of articles in each journal is also provided.

NOTE: Currently the AIM index works on a PC but not yet on a Mac! This is because of an an issue with Excel for Macintosh which is lacking some features needed to implement the interactive index. We are working on a solution.

Archaeology In Montana

Receive Archaeology In Montana, the biennial journal publication which is sponsored by the Montana Archaeological Society (MAS). Also, members now have access to PDFs of all published journals in the Member Area.

MAS Annual Meeting

Attend and vote at the annual MAS meeting, where you get updated on archaeological activities in Montana and adjacent areas.

Expand your horizons

Meet professional and amateur archaeologists who share your interest in archaeology.

Please join the Montana Archaeological Society and/or donate to the various causes below. Help to preserve the past and in turn to change the future. A world of fascination and collaboration awaits…

Note: Corporate and institutional memberships only receive a subscription to Archaeology in Montana and not the other individual membership benefits.

Note: When you become a member you will be set up to auto-rebill a year from the date that you sign up. If you prefer not to be auto-rebilled, you can turn that off by logging in and accessing your account.

Note: We do not accept foreign currency or foreign money orders (including Canada!) for payment, FYI, Thank you!

Your donations help MAS to make an impact on cultural preservation in Montana and to continue to publish Archaeology in Montana. Thank you!

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Future of the Past (conservation archaeology projects): In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, important archaeological sites are being destroyed every day. This is one way to help preserve our past with the hope of a better future.


Publication Fund: Since 1959, the Montana Archaeological Society has published the Archaeology in Montana (AIM) journal documenting archaeological research in Montana. Please help to fund this important journal into the future.


Ruth Ann Knudson Scholarship Fund: Help future archaeologists by donating to the Ruth Ann Knudson Scholarship Fund.


AIM Color Printing Donation:

The MAS is entering into a $3000 challenge grant with the State Historic Preservation Office to help fund color printing, digitization and student access of Archaeology in Montana.  To meet our match we are asking for support from our membership.  Please consider  making a donation to MAS to help us meet our grant goals.  Any donations and checks should be made out to MAS and clearly indicate they are in support of Color Printing.  Donations can be sent to:  MAS, P.O. Box 4522, Missoula, MT 59806-4522. and should be received by  July 15, 2024.


Sponsorship of MAS: Institutional or private sponsorship of the Montana Archaeological Society. This will be considered a sponsorship.

“When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.”

Freequently asked questions

How do I join MAS??

Please visit the Join MAS page and download and fill out the Membership Form and mail to the address on the form.

How do I submit an article to the AIM Journal??

Please visit the AIM Journal page under ABOUT in the main menu for details.

Who can join the MAS?

Individuals, professional or amateur and families or businesses are invited to join the Montana Archaeological Society. Please visit the Join MAS page under ABOUT in the main menu.

How does MAS help to protect our cultural heritage?

The goal of MAS is to educate the public about the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. This education takes many forms including collaboration with Native American tribes and Montana government agencies, as well as public conferences to share the collective knowledge of the archaeological and anthropological communities.

Is there a family membership?

Please visit the Join MAS page to see the membership options.

Is there a student membership?

Please visit the Join MAS page to see the membership options.