AIM Journal

Archaeology in Montana journal is a biannual publication sponsored by the Montana Archaeological Society. The primary purpose of the journal is to publish the results of archaeological research in Montana. The publication serves as a bridge between interested amateurs with professional attitudes towards archaeology and professionals who realize the value of cooperative participation by amateurs.

Editor’s Notes

Information for authors:

All articles for Archaeology in Montana should be mailed or e-mailed to:

Sara Scott
521 Redwood Street
MIssoula, MT 59802

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be printed on one side of the page and double-spaced with wide margins. Authors should refer to “Editorial Policy and Style Guide for American Antiquity.” The editor will supply a copy upon request. Guidelines are also available for submission of manuscripts on computer disk.

Line drawings should be prepared in black ink on white paper. Photographs must display good contrast. Black and white glossy prints are preferred. Digital photos and figures should be submitted in jpeg (.jpg) format, and should be submitted on a separate CD, and not be embedded in the manuscfript. Captions should be typed on a separate page and keyed clearly to the individual figures and their citations in the text.

Back Issues of AIM Journal

Note: We’re working on updating the AIM Journal inventory list and order form in the PDFs below. Until then, please use the following guidelines when ordering back issues of the journal:

  • please email Syd Bacon prior to mailing your check and order form so she can check to see if we actually have a copy to send;
  • There is currently a $5 flat rate for each publication, which includes shipping and handling. The PDF will be updated soon we hope.

The Montana Archaeological Society provides a general index of articles published in Archaeology in Montana over the years.  It also serves as a catalog of back issues, with the respective price of each volume for one edition.  Many are no longer available, particularly the early issues; these are listed as “NA”.

All of the Archaeology in Montana journals are kept at a secure location in Missoula, Montana.  Back issue requests may be mailed to: MAS, P.O. Box 4522, Missoula, MT 59806. Journal requests are mailed as soon as possible, but during the field season (roughly April – November) there may be delays. A flat rate of $5 is charged for back issues, including shipping and handling. Please feel free to use the provided order form, or contact Syd Bacon:

Click here for order form. (pdf)

Click here to view AIM Back Issues.  (pdf)

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Join the archaeology community in Montana and help to preserve our collective heritage. Learn from professional archaeologists and feed your passion for understanding our human past.